TicTacToe Privacy Policy

When using the TicTacToe Discord bot on Discord, you agree to the Privacy Policy stated on this page and our Terms of Service that you can find here. The terms “we” and “our” represent NickKoepr, and the terms “user” and “you” represent the Discord user who makes use of the TicTacToe Discord bot, “data” represents the data that the TicTacToe Discord bot collects and “server” represents the Discord server where you can find the TicTacToe Discord bot. We are not responsible for any spelling or grammar mistakes in this document.

  1. Data that we collect

    • When you use our bot, we may save some data to provide a good service. We save:

      • Server ID: We save the server ID from the server where the bot is located. We only save the server ID when a user has set a custom prefix for that server (another prefix than the default prefix).

      • Prefix: We save a prefix if a server changes the default prefix to a custom prefix.

      • How many times a command has been sent in total: We save how many times a certain command has been sent in total. We cannot see this for a specific server.

      • Total games played in total: We save the total games played. We cannot see this for a specific server.

  2. Use of data

    • We use the data to provide a good and working service and to analyse the use of our service. We will never sell this information to anyone or publish this information online (an example of what we can see in the console can be found here).
  3. Data lifespan

    • There is a chance that some data will not be saved forever on our servers. The server ID and prefix will be deleted when the server changes the prefix to the default prefix, if a user requested a data removal or if a server removes the bot from their server. All the other data that we collect, will be saved forever on our servers.
  4. Changes

    • We can change our Privacy Policy at any time without making an announcement for it.

© NickKoepr 2024
Privacy policy last changed on 5-2-2022 20:56 CET